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Chop Chop

1.Go to Coco Jen. She asks if you are brave enough to check what the issue is inside the temple.

2. From the Tropica Village, go 1 map north. Enter into the Temple, and go all the way north until you reach the next map into the Octo Lair.

3. By simply walking into the Octo’s lair, it then prompts you to report your findings to Coco Jen.

4.She tells you about a giant octopus that crawled inside and ate everyone and asks you to defeat 8 tentacles.

5. Go to the Octo lair and kill 8 tentacles! Kill them by yourself or you can step outside and join someone’s party to help you.

6.Once you’re done with killing 8 tentacles, go back to Coco Jen and she rewards you with 26,500 exp and 750 eon.

2 days ago

1 min read




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