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Note: the quest Shabby Job (minimum lvl 26) is a pre-req to start Shabby Repairs.
1.In Josand town, go to Shabby. He is in need of assistance. The first request is to drop off repair kits.
2. Go north of the main desert map and cross the bridge. Northwest of the next map is Jimmy Camel. Deliver the repair kit to him.
3. Return to Shabby. He needs to deliver one more repair kit for his submarine project. West of Josand town, there is a cave - enter it and talk to Captain Scuba.
4. Scuba says the sub can’t be fixed with what you gave him, so go back to Shabby.
5.Shabby said he shouldn’t have trusted Shady, the one he bought the submarine from. He thanks you for the deliveries and rewards you with 500 eon and 24,000 xp.
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