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Strong Brew

WHAT YOU NEED: 30 gatherable brew and 10 horseshoes

1. Take Sealiner 106 to Centaur port. Keep going north until you reach the town.

2. In the city go to the middle house on the north end of the house. Go inside the house and talk to the Centaur Queen.

3. Go north and into the basement.

4. Retrieve 30 gatherable brew from the cellar, which is the map north of the Centaur Queen npc. There are 6 spots scattered throughout the map.

5. Collect 6 and return to Centaur Queen. She will prompt you to go see Centaur Cita.

6. Leave the house and go outside. Go west to the next map, and Centaur Cita is in the very first house.

7. She will give you brew to put in the cellar wine rack.

8. Go back to the wine cellar map where you gathered the 30 brews and walk all the way north. By walking up against the wall, it will place the wine on the cellar.

9. Once you get the pop-up, return to the Centaur Queen.

10. Return to the Centaur Queen, she will prompt you to collect 10 horseshoes for her guards. Once you have collected 10, return to the queen and receive your reward of 39,000 xp and 300 eon.

Aug 14

1 min read




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